Meme's: So this year we participated in Teaser Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday and our meme's Author Love and Series Love. The past 2 months we've been taking off Author Love and Series Love because we were running out of things to use. Both those meme's will be back in 2013. Instead of doing Teaser Tuesday were going to start doing Top Ten Tuesday. We're also going to start doing Cover Crazy on Monday's. Instead of just doing a post though we're going to try and do vlogs! So be sure and keep an eye out for those.
Conferences and signings: This year we both attended TLA and ALA Midwinter. For 2013 we plan on going to TLA and ALA Annual. So if you were there or are planning on going let us know! We went to the Pitck Dark/Breathless Reads event in February( you can find our post on that here). We also have a pretty cool post about the author signings at TLA( which you can find here). We attended a Michelle Hodkin event that you can read about here. We attended the release party for Opal by Jennifer L. Arementrout you can read about that one here. I don't think there's any signings we plan on attending right now but if its in the Texas area we could possibly be there. Usually we tell Twitter about things like that so be sure to follow us there. The information is on the Contact page.
Giveaways: Yes, we know we had a lot of giveaways this year. It got a little crazy. But, we hope you enjoyed them and want more! For now we plan on slowing down till after summer then having a couple big ones. The big ones will hopefully be for milestones. The reason were waiting till after summer is because we're going to conferences and that's where most of our giveaway books come from.
I think that's it! Now onto the fun stuff we have a vlog for you. We even filmed it together which is rare for us. It's a combination of our best of 2012 choices. We decided to be a little creative and have some fun this year! We gave ourselves lots of categories so we can pick lots of books. We have 8 categories. Those are Debut, Addition/Start to a series, Standalone, Most Cute, Best Couple, Cover, Tearjerker, and Most Anticipated. Since we have a lot of categories we're only picking first and runner up. Basically every category will have two books from both of us. Some categories may have some we wanted to include so those will be the exceptions. Choosing was really hard for us! Filming this was also incredibly hard. We have a blooper video we wanted to include because its funny. We hope you guys enjoy! Be sure and leave us links to your end of the year posts :). Keep reading below the videos because our most anticipated books for 2013 are there. Sorry the pictures are all jacked up they didn't want to look pretty.
Marissa's most anticipated 2013 releases-
Marissa also included Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout and Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins! Those don't have covers yet though so we couldn't add a picture
Blooper video. This was our first attempt. We thought it was funny so we included it :).
We managed to film a video! We had a ton of books so we kinda had to rush through. We also didn't have all the books so we were a little flustered. But we made it work!
Overall 2012 has been an amazing year of books and blogging. We're sad to see it end but we know 2013 will be even better. See you guys next year!
Overall 2012 has been an amazing year of books and blogging. We're sad to see it end but we know 2013 will be even better. See you guys next year!