Sunday, February 17, 2013

Discussion Post: Memes VS Reviews

Okay so blog content is probably the most important part of a blog. It pretty much makes or breaks your blog. Memes have become so popular in the blogging community! Personally I love them. I think they are a great way to spread the word about books. There are so many memes out there right now. There is even a directory which can be found here. I do think they should be used carefully because they can be taken wrong at times.

I do think memes VS reviews can cause a lot of talk between other bloggers. Some say that your blog can look less professional if there are too many memes. I don't really agree with that. I do think if you do memes that you should have enough reviews to keep up. I think there should be 50/50. So if you do a ton of memes then you should have a ton of reviews too. I only think that because its very hard to find a review on a blog if there are a million memes. They look different and you have to scroll and scroll to find an actual review. Memes are an easy way to socialize with other bloggers. You can see what you have in common. You get to see what other bloggers are enjoying.

We have been a little meme heavy and I've been working on getting more reviews up to match. Having enough reviews to keep up with memes is important to me. I just think it looks good! I think reviews are more important because they are really what make me want to follow a blog. I always try and find a review of something I've read to read. Reviews also help you learn about a blogger. Like if you find a blogger who writes more negative reviews or the opposite. It all depends on what you like to read. But, memes are so much fun! I really enjoy doing them! There are so may creative memes out in the world. They really do spread the word out on different books. I can't even tell you how many new books I've found from memes.

You know there isn't a rule book for blogging. Everyone has a different blog. So if someone decides to do 10 memes a week then that's up to them.  I don't think its fair to say a meme filled blog is less professional. Memes are such a good way to share the love. This is all about having fun right? I've seen some amazing blogs that do memes. I will say that in my opinion if you have 5 memes a week than you should have at least 3 or 4 reviews too. No offense is intended at all with this post! These are just some of my thoughts on the subject :). What is your opinion on memes VS reviews? Leave me a comment with your thoughts!



  1. I really loved that you decided to tackle on this really touchy subject, Jasmine, because it really is something debated a lot in the book blogger community, and something I've struggled a ton with as well. I'm a personal believer that reviews should be a bit more present than memes, but honestly, that depends on the type of meme you're doing. Because there are some memes out there that perhaps take even more time than writing a review, and those memes show how thoughtful your blog is, which is something I am really looking for in a blog. So there's not really a perfect balance, per say. But if I see a blog that has a bajillion 'easy' meme posts and little reviews, then that's not something I'm really interested in.

    Seriously fabulous post, Jasmine! <3

    1. Thank you Aneeqah! I really struggle with this topic! I've seen so many people bash blogs who do memes that I had to get my opinions out. Thanks for sharing your thoughts too <3

  2. I would agree meme's and reviews a mix but the way I feel is its my blog I shall do with it whatever I want. Took me a while to feel that way but I am the one taking the time to write and read and have fun, so I don't care what others think if they want to read it they will if not I started the blog for my love of reading and I carry on that way as, whatever.... I used to care and now I have way more fun caring less. If I get books from publishers great and if not I have money to buy them. I mean don't get me wrong its nice to be professional and I am but I blog to have fun so I say have as many meme's, reviews or whatever else you want, I read your blog because I want to. :) Great Post

    1. Thank you! I agree very much with some of your points! No one should tell you what to do with your blog! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  3. I think you're totally right - it's nice to see a blog which has a good balance of both memes and reviews. Memes can interject a little light-hearted fun into your blog, but too many can get annoying. They are a great way to find and link up with other blogs though, which is nice. Thanks for sharing that Meme Directory, by the way, it's very useful! :D

    Catherine :)
    The Book Parade

    1. You are very welcome! I found it pretty useful too! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your thoughts :)

  4. I hate my computer. I just did this BIG comment and BAM no internet. So...let's try this again but in a condensed version.

    I LOVE this post. Memes are great because you get multiple books recs and they're fun to read and participate in. However, I do love reviews and I feel as if there are less and less of them and more of memes. So while I love both, I don't want memes to be obliterated, but I don't want reviews to be smushed out either.

    Did I mention how much I LOVE this post? Because I do. Fantastic!

    Sunny @ Blue Sky Bookshelf

    1. Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it! Sorry about your comment getting deleted but this one is great too :). Happy to hear I'm not the only one interested in this topic!

  5. Great discussion post, Jasmine! I completely get where you are coming from. I've slowed down a lot on memes (I've actually pretty much stopped altogether) but I see the good in them. I've been trying to balance things on the blog and you bring up really good points here about having an equal amount of reviews and memes. =)

    1. Thanks Katie!That means a lot! I think the only bad side to not doing memes is that you don't have as many posts to go up. And, the memes are pretty fun :)
