Reading Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Green Willow
Source: Conference
Third and final book in the Girl of Fire and Thorns series
The epic conclusion to Rae Carson's Fire and Thorns trilogy. The seventeen-year-old sorcerer-queen will travel into the unknown realm of the enemy to win back her true love, save her country, and uncover the final secrets of her destiny.
Elisa is a fugitive in her own country. Her enemies have stolen the man she loves in order to lure her to the gate of darkness. As she and her daring companions take one last quest into unknown enemy territory to save Hector, Elisa will face hardships she's never imagined. And she will discover secrets about herself and her world that could change the course of history. She must rise up as champion-a champion to those who have hated her most.
Man what an ending. The second book in this series left me dying. I wanted more so terribly. This was an amazing ending. It wrapped up perfectly.
This concludes Elisa's story. Her love has been kidnapped and she must get him back. She fled undercover in her own country. Traveling far and wide she not only discovers some well kept secrets, she must find a way to save not only her country but the rest of the world as well.
Elisa is such a fantastic character. She has grown so much. I love how strong she is. She has this sense of hope and its one of the reasons I love her so much. She never gives up. Hector why must you be so amazing? I loved that he ages such a huge role in this story. He treats Elisa with the respect she deserves but doesn't let himself be walked over. Another thing I really liked about this story was we had such a wide variety of characters. Some of the side characters were fabulous! I'm gonna miss everyone.
I think this might have to be my favorite out of the series. It had such an amazing storyline. It was very fast paced. There was tons of action. There was tension between characters. I had no idea where the story was going. It made such a good addition to the story. I'm so sad to say goodbye. I'm gonna miss this story with all of my heart. If you haven't read this series, I highly recommend checking it out.

I love when series are wonderful all the way through, especially the grande finale. Sounds like this was one of those! I need to read this series soon!