Reading Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Scarlet Primrose Press
First in a possible series
Snow White was a pet name her mother had given her, but her mother’s dead now. Adelaide hates that name anyway. A rampant fever claimed Adelaide’s mother just like a thousand others in Cologne where the people die without Last Rites and the dead are dumped in a large pit outside of the city walls. Adelaide’s father is determined to obtain a funeral for his wife, but that requires bribing the parish priest, Father Soren. When Soren commits an unforgivable atrocity, he pushes Adelaide to her breaking point, but if she seeks justice against the cruel priest, she risks sacrificing everything: her father, her friends, her first love, and maybe even her life.
This book was nothing like I expected it to be. It was different but it was better. I thought it was going to be a retelling of Snow White but it was more about a girl trying to get the justice that her late mom deserves. Well known fairy tales were mixed into the side characters lives and weaved through the story. It was a lot of fun seeing all the fairy tales I know and love all together in one story. I hope it gets expanded on later. I absolutely loved the setting. I love historicals and the setting was so vivid that I felt like I was really there.
I really liked Adelaide. Her and her mom had a really close relationship so she was devastated when she got a fever and died. At first she was in denial. To add insult to injury the priest her father has to pay for the funeral literally spits on her moms grave. After that Adelaide is determined to get revenge. Throughout the novel to me Adelaide was to unforgiving to some people but at the same time she was too unforgiving to others. I didn't think Father Soren needed forgiveness but her own father didn't either. A lot of stuff happened and a lot of people did things and everything was very back and forth. When Adelaide needed her mom most she was gone and she didn't know who to turn too. I didn't like her father at all. He did a lot of bad stuff and made excuses for it. Galadriel was annoying too but I felt bad for her. Ivo on the other hand didn't annoy me at all ;).
Speaking of Ivo him and Adelaide were super cute. They were the adorable 'best friends since they were little but there was always something more' type. Of course that type always takes a while to get cute. There was a lot of build up but it was cute and tension filled so it was worth it. I'm going to smile even more every time I see fireflies now :). I can't wait to see where their relationship goes.
I really loved this book. The last 50 pages or so were crazy and action packed and the ending left so many questions unanswered. I hope there's another one and that I can read it soon because I'm already ready to see where the characters stories go and return to this world. If like me you love fairy tales or historicals or a book with an awesome, strong willed main character I would highly recommend this book.
P.S. This is out 200th post :)
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