Reading Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Source: Marissa
First book in Of Poseidon series
Galen is the prince of the Syrena, sent to land to find a girl he's heard can communicate with fish. Emma is on vacation at the beach. When she runs into Galen — literally, ouch! — both teens sense a connection. But it will take several encounters, including a deadly one with a shark, for Galen to be convinced of Emma's gifts. Now, if he can only convince Emma that she holds the key to his kingdom . . .
Told from both Emma and Galen's points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance.
MERMAIDS! I love mermaid books. I rarely get to read them. I want to read more of them but their hard to find. This book kinda made my life. I can admit I doubted it. I thought it was going to be mediocre. Boy was I wrong, it ended up being amazing. I shouldn't have doubted it. This is one of those stay up all night reading books, which both me and Marissa did. Its ironic that we both stayed up well into the night reading this. It was just too good to put down.
I loved Emma. I loved her snarky personality. I lobed how she ways put Galen in his place. She doesn't take any crap from anyone. I like how different she is from the other Syrena. She's unique. I didn't like Galen at first. He was kinda a jerk. Of course I ended up loving him. He has two sides to him. You just have to get used to him. Really he just has a strong personality. It took forever for Emma and Galen to become cute. Sometimes that's frustrating but with this it made sense. I'm glad they didn't rush. When they were together they were super adorable. Also they had some pretty amazing dates. I would die if someone took me to the titanic on a date.
This had a different storyline. It wasn't really action packed. It was more everyone trying to figure out what Emma was. There was some twists but not a lot. With that being said, it wasn't boring at all. In fact it was impossible to put down for multiple reasons. You just had to know what was going to happen next. The writing was just so great. It had a perfect mix of everything a good book needs. I've seen mixed reviews. I really think this book is perfect for teens. I think older readers might now like it as much as teens would. Overall I absolutely adore this book. It was so great to read something I don't get to read a lot of. I can't wait for the sequel. The wait is going to be killer, I can feel it already. If you haven't read this you should check it out. I highly recommend :). 5/5 stars
Jasmine <3
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